Bad governance and Political #instability are often cited as Africa’s main drivers of poverty.
Poor #governance, characterized by #corruption , weak institutions, and lack of accountability, creates an environment where resources are often mismanaged or embezzled, leading to limited public investment in social services such as #healthcare, #education, and #infrastructures.
In addition, bad governance and political instability often exacerbate inequality by creating unequal access to resources and opportunities and favoring a small group of elites at the expense of the broader #population. This, in turn, can fuel social and political unrest, which can sometimes escalate into full-blown #conflicts .
In 2020, the armed conflict has affected over half of the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa over the last twenty years.
According to The World Bank, countries affected by conflict experience an average of 20 years of economic growth loss, significantly impacting poverty rates.
For example, the conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have significantly impacted poverty rates in the country. The country has the highest number of internally displaced people in Africa, and the ongoing conflict has hindered economic development and led to the loss of human life, making it difficult for people to break out of the poverty cycle. In 2018, the poverty rate in the #DRC was estimated to be over 70%.
In addition to the economic impact of conflict, it also has a devastating effect on #social and #humandevelopment indicators. Conflict leads to #displacement, destruction of infrastructure, disruption of services, and loss of lives, resulting in increased poverty, reduced access to education and health care, disrupt agricultural production, and lower life #expectancy.
Other part studies have shown that countries with strong governance systems are better equipped to reduce poverty and promote sustainable economic growth.
Addressing the root causes of conflicts and improving governance can go a long way in reducing poverty rates and promoting economic development.